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Coputer Aided Design CAD

In this week, we learned about 2d & 3d design, we had to design models using any 2d and 3d software, for me, I decided to use fusion 360 since my college gave me a tutorial course in fusion one week ago, and I used solidWorks, and for the 2d design I went with illustrator and blender (2d animation) to render A digital drawing drawn by my little brother.

Fusion 360

It is a very powerful software, and has a very simple user interface, I used it to design a table lamp, I had the idea a long time ago where I saw a. wooden table lamp in a human shape on Pinterest First of all you have to open a new file in fusion and save it empty with any, name, it’s very important step to have a backup save for your file. Now you have to create a new component for each part of your assembly, this means that if you have let’s say a bottle you have to create a component for the bottle itself and component for the lid, see figure1, from assembly you. can create the component.

Fig 1.1

For our design, we had 5 components which are showed in fig 1.2, all of these components are empty for now, but you have to make sure that all of them are from the main folder (lamp). So, to draw in each component you have to activate it first, by clicking the small circle in the right of its name, you have to make sure that you are in the right component each. time you start to draw any sketch.

Fig 1.2

The last thing we had to do before starting drawing is to set parameters for the design, which are the values that might be changed in the future and some parts in the design depends on them, so determine them in the beginning will make any change in the future much easier, all what we have to do is go to modify, from dropdown menu select change parameters , and from the Dialogue box that appears add as many parameters as you want and determine their values , in our case I added one parameter for the material thickness and gave it a value of 10mm, see fig 1.4 .

Fig 1.4

Now, let’s start with the shoulders of this light man, activate the shoulders component and go to create sketch in the create menu, select the front plane, and draw a raw shape of its shoulders, then using D shortcut start adjusting the values of the dimensions depending on the size you want, make sure that all lines in the sketch are black and fully defined, and using E shortcut extrude it by the thickness parameter that we added above, see fig 1.5 .

Fig 1.5

As we did above with the shoulders, we have to do in all other components, see below figures. For the legs component, I added the sketch in the right plane not in the front to draw its foot and made the width equals the thickness parameter, and extrude value equals the width of leg section from the hips so we had one leg. To draw the second leg I had to add a mid plane to mirror the right leg to the left, see fig 1.9 .

Fig 1.9

For the head, I had to add to parallel plans, one is offset about the front plane by 30mm to back, and the second is offset about the front plane by 50mm forward. In each of the planes I sketched two concentric squares, see fig 1.11 .

Fig 1.11

Then I had to make a loft between the outer boarders of the sketches, and loftcut between the inner boarders of both sketches, see fig 1.12 & fig 1.13.

Fig 1.12

Fig 1.13

Now to joint all of the components together, from assembly menu select as built joint, and start selecting each to connected parts and join them with rotatory relation, so all parts could move relatively to each other, see fig 1.14 & fig 1.15 .

Fig 1.14

Fig 1.15

since the design is parametric, if changed the value of any parameter the dimensions for the whole design will change according to it, see fig 1.16.

And here is my original file: lifgt man design


Solidworks is a 3d design and engineering software, it’s very complex when compared with fusion 360, but still one of the most powerful tools for mechanical engineering and design. For this week assignment I choose to design a mechanical mechanism called Geneva, which basically transforms any continuous rotational motion into a discrete rotational motion, the resulting speed may vary depending on multiple variables like number of slots, diameters for the drive and the driven, and initial ω for the drive.
To draw this mechanism, I first found a picture that specifies all the parameters that included in the design, to make things easier I decided that b= 100, p=5mm, n=6, see fig2.0.

Fig 2.0

I started sketching the wheel, which is the driven part. I drew a circle and gave it a dimension but instead of inserting a number I inserted (= b), added the first global variable, see fig 2.1.

Fig 2.1

Second step is to draw the patterned slots around the center, from the equations in fig0, the radius of the slot equals p, but the length of it equals s which depends on other undefined parameters yet, so I delayed it after adding them, and patterned the slots using circular pattern feature and trimmed all excess lines, see fig 2.3 & fig 2.4.

Fig 2.3

Fig 2.4

Then I drew a horizontal line, and assigned an equation to it, see fig 2.5. And from the center I drew another line with angle 60 to the circumference, here I figured out that from the begging I was confusing between the radius and the diameters; in the equations in fig0 b equals the radius, but I assigned it as the diameter! So I went back to the equations in the configuration tree, and edited the values for the diameters to be 2*b and 2*p, after this fix I completed the right Angel triangle then I added the missing parameters like “a” and “s”, see fig 2.6 & fig 2.7 & fig 2.8 .

Fig 2.5

Fig 2.6

Fig 2.7

Fig 2.8

Now from the outer point in the triangle (the point that do not touch the circle)), I drew a circle with radius y which you can find its value in equations, see fig 2.10 .

Fig 2.10

I Patterned this circle, n=6, and trimmed all excess lines and extruded it 10mm, see fig 2.11 & fig 2.12 & fig 2.13 .

Fig 2.11

Fig 2.12

Fig 2.13

For the desk I opened a new sketch and drew 3 circles like shown, see fig 2.14. Then I extruded them, by 10 mm for the hole shape, and 20mm for the inner and the small circlen, see fig 2.15.

Fig 2.14

Fig 2.15

After completing both parts I inserted them into assembly file, then decoded the mates between them to concentric with holes drown in the base part, see fig 2.17 & fig 2.18.

Fig 2.15

Fig 2.18


And here is my original file: full assembly base part disc part wheel part


For 2d design assignment I decided to redraw a picture that I love very much, it’s an old photo that have pixels and not clear at all, so I toke the chance to draw it using illustrator, see fig 3.1.

Fig 3.1

I imported the photo into illustrator and created a new layer, and picked the pin tool to draw the outline shape and the internal details for the girl,try to be very carful if you want the details to be nice and good, see fig 3.2 & fig 3.3.

Fig 3.2

Fig 3.3

From the left side panel, selected the colors of fill for each area, see fig 3.4. and for the final result,after hiding the original layer, see fig 3.5.

Fig 3.4

Fig 3.5

And here is my original file: pdf sticker

blender // 2D animation

I wanted to make some simple animation using 2D animation tool in blender, I decided to make a cool dancing monkey.

I asked my little brother to draw the character for me, using the Wacom he started drawing on the draft sketch layer in blender 2d animation workspace using the draw mode.

then on a new layer he started repeating his drawing using black pen considering that each closed area will represent a fill color in the coloring layer.

for the coloring step I added several materials for his skin, hair, face, shadows, etc. so when start coloring I just select the material for the selected area.

After reaching this point I had 3 layers but no animation yet, to have animated scene I had to use the time line in the lower part of the screen. For each time interval, you can add key frames as much as you want each key frame will hold a certain position for the character at certain moment.

I just had to draw multiple positions or forms for his legs and tail, so when we move between the key frames it will look like the monkey is dancing, I used the following tutorial to learn how to do it exactly.

to change the position for any line or sketch in the artboard you have to go to the edit mode at the upper left corner, and the using the arrows move the selected portion from the character where ever you need.

and to change the shape or the form for the character, like what I did for his right leg, you can either go to the sculpt mode and start dragging the parts to the desired form, or you can use the draw mode to delete the original part that you want to change its shape, and redraw the new shape from scratch. In both cases you won’t change anything to the original drawing in the first key frame. each change you will make, will be applied to the shot in key frame that you made that change in.

the parts where the character switches his legs bending status, I didn’t change anything in the drawing, I just flipped the whole drawing ( mirror), so he looked like he switched his legs.

to play the animation, I just hit the play button and you can edit the positions or adjust the time intervals between the key frames.

And here is my original file: monkey p>